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The " BALKANET - Balkan ideas network for sustainable innovations in the agro-food sector“ is jointly implemented by six partners of three Balkan – Mediterranean countries (Greece, Albania, Bulgaria) and focuses to the improvement of the agro food SME’s innovation capacity, facing some common challenges in the specific  Balkan – Mediterranean area. The overall objectives of BALKANET is to create a pilot transnational network in order to favour the innovation changing processes, to promote applied research and support to agro-food SMEs’  adjustment capacity, to facilitate the public/private demand and supply of research and innovative business models, towards a sustainable growth of the agro-food sector in the Balkan – Mediterranean partners (BMP) area.

Aims of the Project

  • Identifying, analyzing and sharing of the existing agro-food best practices and innovative business models valorization in the BMP area
  • Establishing a Transnational Cooperation Network between public/private research centers and local enterprises in order to improve agro-food SME's efficiently and adjustment capacity, with particular reference to the improvement of young innovators skills and business competences.
  • Raising awareness, transferring knowledge and fostering common understanding about the importance of sustainable business innovations in the agro-food sector of BMP area.


Email: info@balkanet.eu


The transnational Cooperation Programme
Interreg V-B "Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020"
is co-funded by the European Union (85%)
and National Funds of the participating countries (15%)

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